Volunteers Needed for OASIS!
OASIS is run without paid staff or the services of professional meeting planners. Everybody who works on the convention is a member of OASIS who has volunteered to help make it a success. That means that OASIS needs many volunteers to fill roles from con suite to panel setup to Masquerade, and many other tasks.
Whether you’ve worked on dozens of conventions or have never even attended one before, there’s something that you can do. There’s no better way to see how a convention is run and best of all meet a bunch of friendly people. Lots of fans have discovered that working on a convention is a large part of the enjoyment.
Here is a list of some of the areas we need help:
- Registration
- Pre-Con Setup
- Con Suite
- Panels Setup/Take Down
- After Con Tear Down
Well, what’s holding you back! Click here for the form that you can use to describe what you’re interested in working on and what experience – fannish or otherwise – you have.
Or you can simply send an e-mail to volunteers@oasfis.org.